Thursday, February 14, 2019

Endgame and Act Without Words Essay -- Drama

Endgame and Act Without WordsBeckett EndgameHamm is horrofied at the notion that man is a recurring matterand therefore is cyclic that beginnings and endings (60- 62) may beamalgamated in the grand scheme of things and that life will kick the bucketafresh again. Nalwaystheless, the contradictions confuse his desires. Heis terrified of the flea and rat that Clov finds and wants toexterminate them in case humanity might start from there all all overagain, but he also suggests that he and Clov go South to new(prenominal)mammals. He wants to be left alone, but clings to Clov and doesanything he can to retarding force him back into the room. Most confusingly, hebelieves that nature is changing, though all enjoin indicates thatit has zero change. Under his misanthropic exterior is a desperatecraving, the vexation of being alone that has been with him ever sincechildhood (as Nagg tells it).Light (52- 56), which is used as a symbol of hope and life, expressesmany of the dis tacticsed facetts of Hamms personality. He is attractedto whatever percipient there is in a world where the vague is fading (54), communicate Clov to push him under the window so he can look it on hisface. On the other hand, we also learn that he withheld light fromsomeone named Mother Pegg, who died of phantom. Compounding this isHamms blindness he has been cursed with murkyness (50-56), and hewants others to sh ar the same depressing and miserable fate. When hepolishes his dark glasses (41- 45), it is a futile routine of equalparts poignancy, bitterness and bitterness.Indeed, Hamms routines are all futile (38, 44). As in many ofBecketts plays, routines are what humans perform to convincethemselves that death is not imminent, that apiece daylight is the same.Ironically, the empty, absurd practices exactly push them closer todeath. In the endgame of his life, Hamm is only partially reconciledto deathhe wants it to come, but he admits that he hesitates tofinish. (Beckett 3) The routin es fill this middle ground, stavingoff death while drawing it ever closer. Both men question why they putup with each other, and at one point Hamm suggests that Clov help himout of compassion. The real precedent is that both are dependent on eachother (8- 14) and shitless to leave and be alone, despite their constantthreats. The play takes a astonishingly moving turn here at the e... ...aises the sing to his lips, hesitates, drops it. Pause.)74. Yes, truly75. (He whistles. Pause. Louder. Pause.)76. Good.77. (Pause.)78. puzzle79. (Pause. Louder.)80. Father81. (Pause.)82. Good.83. (Pause.)84. Were coming.85. (Pause.)86. And to end up with?87. (Pause.)88. Discard.89. (He throws away the dog. He tears the whistle from his neck.)90. With my compliments.91. (He throws the whistle towards the auditorium. Pause. He sniffs. Soft.)92. Clov93. (Long pause.)94. No? Good.95. (He takes out the handkerchief.)96. Since thats the way were playing it...97. (he unfolds handkerchief)98. ...let s play it that way...99. (he unfolds)100..and speak no more about it... (he finishes unfolding)101.speak no more.102.(He holds handkerchief deal out out before him.)103.Old stancher104.(Pause.)105.You... remain.106.(Pause. He covers his face with handkerchief, lowers his arms to armrests, 107. remains motionless.)101.(Brief tableau.)102.Curtain be given CitedBeckett, Samuel. Endgame and Act Without Words. New York Grove Press,1958.

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