Thursday, February 7, 2019

Museum Assignment: Portrait Comparison Between the 17th and 19th Centur

The Flemish seventeenth century artist nib Paul Reubens and the nineteen century French artist Jean Auguste Dominque Ingres had footling in common besides their occupation, as both utilized really different styles in their art. Reubenss work is classified under the churrigueresque style, a period between 1600 and 1750 as a contrast to the preceding perfection of rebirth art, whereas Ingress work is under Neoclassicism, which praised the Greek and roman type classics that inspired the Renaissance artists (Kleiner). Yet the two separate time periods and scene styles that influenced the painters also share small similarites, through visual quality and iconography. Reubens portrait of Susanna Fourment and Ingress portrait of Franoise Poncelle clearly belong to the specific fastidious movements, but some aspects of painting remain timeless, with separately artist picture inspiration from prior work. Peter Paul Reubenss paintings were heavily influenced by his studios location in Antwerp. The citys banking sedulousness led to an emphasis upon works that a family could purchase, often within the velocity middle class instead of the immensely wealthy. This emphasis allotted much time to be put into portraiture, in place of the large case church altarpieces or palace paintings, which could be displayed in the familys homes with more modesty. The Baroque period, a term that comes from the Portugese word barroco, or irregularly make pearl (Kleiner), is known for its bright colors, emphasis on realitys relationship to fantasy, theatric quality, and dramatics. Many of Reubenss paintings are allegorical, colorful, and inspired by numerous artists of the past as well as his current time. After the Renaissance period, artists took the classically influ... ... This painting style emphasized natural human variety instead of Smooth finishes replaced thick swirls or dabs of paint to accurately pick out the human form, which is shown explicitly in Ingress portrai t. Although both pieces are portraits, each portrays the subject in differing manners. The harsh lines and blurred strokes convey a secluded attachment to Reubens portrait, whereas the defined lines and photographic detail within Ingress portrait attach a formal connotation. The demand for home found patronage spread from Antwerp in the late sixteen hundreds into the early cardinal hundreds in France, yet what makes a portrait truly exemplary go with the time shift. Each work reflects the time period while go along to explore parallels between various artistic styles as well as movements, connecting artists together through their differences and similarities.

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