Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Personal Narrative- Helping Others Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Personal Narrative- Helping OthersDeclining standards of living and continuing exportation of our jobs have resulted in rising stress levels for all Americans. This results in negative effects on our well being mentally, physically and emotionally. Some people seek to slenderize stress levels by using alcohol and drugs. Some overwork themselves, resulting in mental breakd take ins. The pharmaceutical giants pocket billions of dollars a year from sales of tranquillisers, anti-depressants, barbiturates, amphetamines, and otherwise psychoactive medications. We know we must learn to control stress in safer, saner, and healthier ways. So we read almost Yoga or Aromatherapy, or mayhap Feng Shui. We think about doing stress-management courses. We try to get more exercise and hot air. We check for preservatives and other additives in our foods, and stock up on multi-vitamins. entirely useful and worthwhile ideas. But one stress-buster that we dont instruct more than about is he lping others. A loving or verificatory act, unsolicited and unconditional, can brighten anothers life and rescue to us as contentment and a sense of well being. When we expect ourselves in helping someone else, we overcome the self-centred nature of our own anxieties. Living in huge centres of population, as so many of us do, often means that we lack the interaction and co-operation with neighbours which would have been so much a part of my grandpargonnts lives. Its understandable, I suppose, that constantly feeling our position invaded, we go out of our way to preserve some sort of secrecy -- and end up cutting ourselves off from people who live altogether yards away from us. On the other hand, for those of us who have access to it, the mesh has brought a whole n... ...y own heart is its campaigning on behalf of the unknowns those prisoners who are tortured or at risk of death in cloud circumstances, and whose names rarely reach the international media. You can read a bout some of these desperate people at The theologian Reinhold Niebuhr coined the ultimate manifestation of empowerment (God) grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot permute, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.By joining in amnestys work, we can change things. By each sending an remission Stop Torture postcard to five friends, together we have the potential to add thousands to the advert membership and constantly increase their influence. Can you imagine how many lives could be changed, or even saved, if all of us showed someone imprisoned and bury that we really do care?

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