Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Byzantine Empire and Greco-Roman Culture

The knotted Empire has a very wet connection to classic culture. In 1453 A. D. the Byzantine Empire was very great in not just only the world, but also in terms of economic, political and militaristic strength. The Byzantine Empire was a solid part of the roman Empire and historical research has helped unravel the wholesome relationship between the Byzantine Empire, Greek Heritage and culture.In addition to what I listed above, the Byzantine Empire was important because it maintained the given knowledge from the Greeks and the Romans The strengths of the Byzantine Empire are the preservation of Roman- Greek culture and cultural diffusion. When the Roman Empire collapsed in 476, the Byzantine Empire survived. As a declaration of this collapse, the empire served to preserve the majority of the Greek and Roman achievements for Western Europe.In the eyeshot of cultural diffusion, the Byzantine Empire not only helped to preserve Roman, Greek culture and Christianity but it also sp read these ideas to other parts of the world. other big impact of the Byzantine Empire are the achievements of architecture and art. The superior example of this is the Church of Hagia Sophia. The purpose of this monument was to symbolize the unknown of Christian religion. A weakness of the Byzantine Empire is that the position of the church was noisome to the Orthodox Church.It had no influence on the people, it did not have whatsoever control over a prosecuted ruler, it was not a substantial draw in education, and it lacked the power of growth. As a contribution of Islam to the Byzantine Empire, the Islams occupied the reconquered Byzantine territories and then proceeded to claim Jerusalem as a religious site for Muslims. They also took in the Persian Empire and went west to North Africa.

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